Tuesday 4 February 2014

Monday 3 February 2014



There is wisdom in the cries of your soul! Listen to them. What you want, what you feel, what you yearn for -- that needs to be lived.
            You see that the world reflects back at you what you're being. Now the question remains: What do you want to see in that mirror? What do you want to have shining on you all the time? Many people look at the life they've created and get depressed, because they see there's nothing real happening wherever they are. Why is that? Because they're not there, they’re not willing to be there -- to be vulnerable, sincere, and real. Imagine feeling trapped in an unsatisfying existence. Wasting your precious time doing things that you really don’t want to be doing. Being afraid to express your uniqueness……
And for you to be that real you, you need to have a firm belief, without any doubt in the achievement and success of your desires. These beliefs need to be like unquestioned commands. They’ll shape every thought, feeling and action you’ll take. Within the strength of these beliefs lies the “core” to real and everlasting change
Don’t use the phrase “I want ...” as that will result in your being pushed further in the future; use “I am, and in order to do that, you must dig into your own heart. You must find the deeper springs of desire. You must find yourself.
You have to be what you want to see, or guess what? -- It won't be there.


Then what are those things you want to change about yourself,  and the change you desire, make a list of them, paste them on the wall of your room  so as to remind you those things you want to bring corrections to, whenever you set your eye on them, this will ingrained into your subconscious mind and ultimately bring about change,  make a research on how to go about the change you desire, look for people who had succeeded in that aspect you are struggling with, read about them, get in touch with them, fix a lunch or dinner to hear their success stories on how they have been able to overcome that which you are struggling with, this will keep you motivated, accountable and will listen strengthens your resilience and commitment
 There is something very important during change that we don’t put into consideration, which is journaling, is a way of keeping track of how far you’ve come and how much you’ve accomplished, which can sometimes be difficult for you to remember. Journaling can be as simple as a brief paragraph noting what days you performed a certain Personality change.
            During change, you need to keep your loved ones close, no matter how much you are changing. It's always best to have them before the change, during the change and after the change. It usually makes the whole process worthwhile. So make sure you remember what your surroundings are. You don't have to change them, just because you changing your appearance and personality. It's about certainty and confidence. You need to be certain and confident that your change will all go to plan.
Once the change begins you find the world around you lonely, but stick to your desire because at the end it worth it. . As long as you do this step by step then it should happen more naturally.
Mentally, this is going to be the hardest part of change, because when people do change their personality it's hard for them to stick to it. Don't think it's fake because you want to improve yourself. There is no harm in becoming a better person, just as long as you do the right thing. You may have regretted something you've recently done and grew tired of your childish ways. You want to be the person that everyone can chat too easily, and happily and always want to be in your presence. It's about confidence. If you're confident with yourself, your atmosphere and the people around you then there's really nothing to worry about. You need to feel comfort and relaxation as you chat and socialize with old and new people. It's easy when you know how. But it takes further practice. Try to keep emotions in check and don't wear your heart on your sleeve.
People like a little mystery, its better not to be the one who spills their life story out to the post man. Just be yourself, be quirky and fun and be open to all minds. Don't judge or gossip about people. Just accept them for who they are and be happy that they are them. Try to learn about new cultures, attempt to see the beauties of the world and make new friends. Find your artistic side and paint, or write a poem. Learn the piano and find your hidden talent. It's endless the amount of choice we have, we just need to find it and work with it. Anyone can change, once they are sure of what they want, and who they want to be habit or task and what the outcome was. The better reference tool it will become.
Be what you'd like to see, be the change you desire and you will get there.

                                                                                                                           ATINUKE LEBILE

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